
How to prevent infection after tooth extraction: top precautions to take

Extractions are a common procedure in dentistry. They are done for a variety of reasons, including trauma, injury, advanced gum disease, and severe decay. Extractions can actually improve your oral health. However, there is a risk of infection after extraction. You can easily reduce your risk by taking certain measures. Below you will find how to prevent infection after tooth extraction: top precautions to take.

How to prevent infection after tooth extraction: top precautions to take

A tooth extraction is a smooth procedure as it is common in the field of dentistry. To avoid infection after your extractions, it’s important to consider the following tips.

Follow Instructions:

Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions after your extraction. Follow these as your dentist is well-versed in your oral health history. This may include what to eat, how to rest and recover, and what medications to take. Be sure to take your prescribed antibiotics to reduce your risk of infection.

Focus on Rest:

You may want to get right back to your regular routine after your extraction. This can negatively impact the healing process. Take a day or two off after your tooth extraction surgery if you can. This can promote healing and help you get back to your routine faster. Avoid strenuous activity for the first few days as well. Increased blood flow can increase your risk of infection and potentially dislodge blood clots.

Use Gauze:

You will likely experience bleeding after your extraction. Controlling any bleeding is helpful for your recovery. Use gauze to manage the bleeding at the incision site. Regularly change it out to ensure the area stays clean. Avoid touching the extraction site as this can increase your risk of infection.

No Smoking:

Smoking and using tobacco products is really bad for your health. This is especially true after an extraction. Smoking can impact the healing process and increase your risk of infection.

Dietary Changes:

Your mouth will be sore and tender for the first couple of days. Adjust your diet accordingly by focusing on soft foods. Smoothies, yogurt, sous, and mashed potatoes are great options. Avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, or spicy. These foods can disrupt the healing process and even cause more pain as you heal.

Stay Hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water can help flush out any unwanted debris and bacteria. This is highly beneficial as it can reduce your risk of infection. Hydrating your mouth can keep it moist and promote optimal healing.

Common Signs of Infection After Extraction

You can reduce your risk of infection by following the tips above. They can minimize your risk of infection and promote healing. However, it’s important to watch out for common signs of an infection. Below you will find signs of an infection. If you experience any of the following, contact your dentist right away.

  • Increased Pain: Pain and discomfort that gets worse after your extraction
  • Redness: You may notice redness initially, but it should not get worse over time
  • Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal for the first couple of days, but anything beyond that is concerning
  • Swelling: Anything beyond mild swelling after your extraction is not normal
  • Pus or Discharge: Pus and any other discharge coming from the extraction site is a serious concern
  • Bad Taste: Very bad breath or a foul taste is a sign of an infection
  • Fever or Chills: A low-grade fever or chills is not normal after an extraction

Stonebrook Dental

If you need an extraction or experience the symptoms of an infection after an extraction, contact a dentist right away. Both issues require prompt treatment and can ensure your oral and overall health. Contact Stonebrook Dental today to schedule an appointment!

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