A root canal is an effective treatment that can help restore your oral health and preserve your natural tooth. It is often necessary if your tooth has become infected, inflamed, or injured. If you have scheduled your procedure, consider the following tips to prepare for a root canal.
Tips to Prepare for a Root Canal
A root canal is an effective treatment that can improve your oral health. Consider the following tips to prepare for a root canal.
Ask Questions:
You should feel comfortable asking your dentist any questions before the procedure. Common questions revolve around the procedure itself and how to take care of yourself afterward. Feel free to talk with your dentist in Sacramento and understand that questions are a common part of the process. Feeling confident and prepared is a great way to go into the procedure.
Discuss Antibiotics:
Some of the side effects of a root canal involve swelling and pain. The incisions also increase your risk for an infection after the procedure. Antibiotics can help address some of the unwanted symptoms after surgery and reduce your risk for an infection. Dentists generally recommend that you take antibiotics after your root canal in Sacramento, but be sure and talk with them about it beforehand.
Avoid Substance:
Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and any other recreational substances at least 24 hours before your procedure. Smoking can impact your blood flow and slow down your recovery time. Alcohol dries out your mouth, causes a fast heartbeat, depresses your central nervous system, and impacts how your blood clots after the procedure.
Good Night’s Sleep:
Quality rest can help you feel good the next morning and make your recovery process much easier. Your body recovers when you sleep so having a good night’s rest the night before is helpful. Aim for 8 hours and try to relax the night before.
Discuss Pain Relievers:
It is helpful for some to take a pain reliever before your procedure. This can help alleviate some of the discomfort you will feel afterward. While the procedure itself is relatively pain free, the symptoms afterward can cause discomfort. Talk with your doctor about what medications to take beforehand so you are fully prepared on the day of your procedure.
Eat Beforehand:
You will be numbed and likely anesthetized before the procedure. This can take some time to wear off, which can make it difficult to eat. Avoid this by eating a small meal before your procedure. Try and shoot for eating 2 hours before your procedure if possible.
Bring Someone:
Bring a friend or family member to your appointment. They can help keep you at ease and can also drive you home. Each patient is different so you’ll need to discuss what type of anesthetic will be used during your procedure. However, some pain management options make it so you can’t drive yourself home. Talk with your dentist in advance so you can make plans for how you will get home.
Stock Your Fridge:
You’ll need to eat soft and cool foods for the first day or two. This will help your incisions properly heal and promote a smooth recovery. You can eventually incorporate more solid foods into your diet, but be sure and consult with your dentist if you are concerned about how your incisions are healing. It’s important to focus on your recovery the first couple of days after your procedure, so be sure to stock your fridge and prep your food as best as possible beforehand.
Plan Your Recovery:
It’s helpful to plan to take at least two days off after your procedure. This is enough time to heal and be able to get back to your daily routine. Create a comfort zone before your procedure and set up everything in advance. Have your drinks and snacks ready, set your entertainment center, and create a space that is comfortable and promotes relaxation.